For a given host name this utility will use DNS to look up the IP
address. If an IP address is found, an attempt will be made to locate
the country in which the IP address was allocated.
For a given IP address this utility will interrogate the machine using
that IP address to find out its host name. If the given IP address,
an attempt will be made to locate the country in which the IP address
was allocated.
After installing Windows updates in October 2012, some secure web sites cannot be accessed.
The Windows update was made available in October 2012 for automatic Windows updates for
Windows/XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Windows does not always honour the time-to-live (TTL) for DNS records.
This can mean that a host than has moved from on server to another is not found as
Windows continues to keep the DNS information about the old IP address of the host name.
To force Windows to refresh its host name to IP address tables, the Windows DNS tables need to be flushed.
What a company may consider to be a friendly or helpful e-mail can be classified as spam and breach of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.